Sunday, November 30, 2003

Back @ School

Back at school for a busy little week - a group project (in which I'm completely clueless and I feel horrible about; I just feel like I'm letting the group down), a pair of tests (at least they're the last ones of the year before finals), a three hour lab ( it might be the last one, I'm not really sure), and a couple homeworks due that I haven't started. It should be an interesting week.

Back to break festivities. Friday morning we put the tree up which gets me really excited because I absolutely love this time of the year. The tree came out fairly good; a little full with ornament, we're kind of running out of room for everything. In the afternoon we did a little shopping and I looked unsuccessfully for the pair of glasses that I liked. I have no idea where I'm going to find them, and I'm actually considering buying them off the internet even though that's risky. The evening was spent at the Pens game. It was fun; we got Mario Lemieux egg dolls. The Pens lost thought mostly because they're absolutely horrible. We got home at 11 which was just in time to watch Frosty.

Saturday I did a little work, but not nearly enough. After my mom got home, we went food shopping so I wouldn't go hungry these last three weeks here. I picked up the first Harry Potter movie, which I loved. The movies inspired me to read the books which is good because I've been looking for something to read since August when I finished Moneyball.

Today I woke up and rode back with Christine. We made really good time (sub 3 hours which is rare). After returning, I did some decorating (hung new lights and put candy canes on my Christmas tree) and did a little work (still not enough).

music playin - Carol of the Bells by the Robert Shaw Chorale (Yea!! All time favorite Christmas song)

Thursday, November 27, 2003

Happy Turkey Day!!!!!!!

Well it's Thanksgiving and I'm actually home for the first time since August!

I think the test Monday night went extremely well, hopefully everybody else did well too. After the test I watched the last Joe Mill. It was good, the Czech gal that I liked won which was good. What wasn't good, however, is that I cried again at the end of the show. Why am I such a girl?? Is that why I can't get a date, haha?? After the show, I watched some football, did laundry, and watched my birthday episode of the X-files (the title was 731).

Tuesday, I woke up and watched the Fellowship of the Ring in the morning. All in all Tuesday was a boring day. It just seems that the days when you're waiting to leave for home streach on and on. I went on the tour of the water tunnels. It was fun even though it was fairly creepy with the high security and all. Then my parents came and picked me up; they got me a little Christmas tree for my room which got me fairly excited. We stopped at Hoss's for dinner and got home around 8.

Wednesday I went to pick my check that I (my dad) won off the radio a month or so ago. Then I hit up the mall and picked up a couple Christmas themed T-shirts. After that I got lunch at Eat'n Park with my mom and brother. When we got back home, we watched the second X-men movie and then left to get my haircut. I really like going to John's for my haircuts; it's always a really good time - a lot of laughs and he has an opinion on everything.

Today I was on turkey duty. I basted that bad boy every 15 minutes or so. There are few things that I love more than a good turkey dinner and I wasn't going to let this turkey turn out bad. In between bastes I watched a little bit of the parade, some Good Day LA (yea I know I'm not from out west), bits and pieces of the Harry Potter movies (ok I didn't expect to say this, but I really was enjoying them), and grabbed a quick bite to eat at my grandma's. I kind of feel bad that I didn't stay very long (but I had to take care of the turkey) and I really feel bad for saying that I don't really like too many of my relatives from my mom's side of the family. For the most part they're on the uneducated side of things and seem fairly unintelligent; I just don't really fit in well with them. After my mom got home from work, my brother and I went over to visit my dad's parents and my uncle and cousins. It was a fairly good time; the turkey was good, we had some laughs (not at me either), and got to see people I haven't for a good bit of time. I fit in better with my dad's side of the family; I kind of feel guilty about it but that's just the way it is. We left there around 5 and headed home for another dinner which was the best one of the day. We ushered in the Christmas season by watching A Christmas Story for the first of many times in the next month. All and all Thanksgiving was a fairly nice day and I ate a lot of food.

I'm pretty sure tomorrow the Christmas Tree is going up in the morning, followed by some shopping in the afternoon (hopefully I can find and buy a new pair of glasses), topped off by a Pens game. I know they're horrible but that's ok, it'll still be fun.

music playin' - Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen

Sunday, November 23, 2003

Wow it's been a while; it's just been a really busy week and I haven't gotten a chance to update this puppy.

I had a pair of aerospace tests last week, I think they went well, but I'm weary until I get the test back in my hands and see how I did. Monday I did a pretest dinner with Jimmy, Matt, Melissa, and this one kid whose name escapes me (I'm so bad with names it's embarrassing). Tuesday I had my 3 hour lab and it was horrible. The day just dragged on and on and on and on; haha I think you got my point by now. Wednesday was rainy, absolutely horrid. We had a review session for the 313 exam which was fun, but I ate my dinner there which included some canalope I got from the West Wing. Oh my God, it was so very bad, the worst canalope that I ever ate. I was making these horrible faces with each cube that I put in.

Thursday quite frankly annoyed the hell out of me. It started out fine, I had lunch with Melissa which was nice as usual (it was actually the first time I saw one of my 4 good friends since Sunday). I skipped the e mch class which isn't a big deal. Then I went to 311 which was a good interesting class, but I saw my horoscope and it said that I was supposed to have a 2 star day, which isn't good. I thought it was crazy because well I was having a pretty good day to that point. I get home after class hoping that somebody was around for dinner. As it turns out everybody left like 5 - 10 minutes before I got back. Normally I'd just be annoyed a little but this time I was really very upset. For one thing, I haven't seen Joe, Aaron, or Erin since Saturday which is odd considering we live so close; and another Nenna came up for dinner. I haven't done anything with her in such a long time. I just wasn't happy about it, but I had no right to be mad especially not at Joe because it was mostly (all) my fault that I was left out. I also shouldn't have been mad at him because he's the only one who ever waits on me. Whenever he can't make dinner after his late class, I know I'm eating solo because well everybody else would have made plans that didn't involve me. It's not a big deal, but sometimes I feel well that nobody thinks I'm not important enough to be made plans with. It's like I'm an extra in a movie; just there for background. After fuming in my room for an hour, I went and took the 313 exam which went well, at least I think it did. Thursday turned out to be the two star day that was predicted.

Friday was a day where I did lunch with Joey (first meal since lunch previous day - about 24 hours), had dinner, played some hoops. When I got back I noticed that A Christmas Story was on, OK, that should not happen before Thanksgiving. Which brings me to another point I really wish downtown wasn't decorated for Christmas already, it's not that time of year until Friday you get that people.

Saturday I did cleaned my room (I still avoided the laundry that I wanted to do last weekend). We had a team meeting in Kunkle for 301. I feel like I'm going to be a weak link for that project, and I don't like it. It makes me feel bad that I don't feel like I'm contributing; I should be able to do more but I don't really understand it. Hopefully I'll get everything sorted out and be able to help more. Odd note of the meeting - Kunkle does not have a light switch (the first 15 minutes where spent trying to find one). I didn't really have anything to do Saturday night so I watched my tape of Ed and the West Wing. Both really good episodes. Once again, I'm embarrassed to say that Ed made me cry. It was just so sweet the way he proposed to Carol that I couldn't handle it (yes I know I'm a girl, I guess that would make me a lesbian) I wish I was more like Ed. I just never been able to take a chance with a girl (I'm a chicken shit).

Wow we finally made it to today. I did homework which was annoying because it wasn't like what we did in class. I had brunch with Melissa which was nice. I probably (most definitely) said the wrong thing to Joey and got him all mad at me [at least I hope it's at me and not somebody else (actually I hope he's not mad at anybody)]. All I really did was ask him to be nicer to somebody, but I think I offended him. Oh, well it'll work itself out eventually. I'm really annoyed at my computer, it will not go to any websites that start with and I need those for classes so I'm irked and a half about it.

I should go to bed I have a test tomorrow night and I'm worried. I haven't studied yet, but on the bright side I'm going home Tuesday for the first time since August.

Music playin' - The Cowboy in Me by Timmy McGraw

Sunday, November 16, 2003

It's time for a recap of the weekend.

Friday was alright, we handed in the final program for 313 which is good. The only bad part of the day was that I was a tad lonely, not the sad lonely but just lonely if that makes any sense at all. I just releaxed for most of the day and around midnight I went to see Uptown Girls with Erin. I'm kind of embarassed that I liked it, but I did and there's not anything I can do about it. The walk home was pretty eventful too. We saw a cop speeding down the road and a drunk girl who looked cold but was holding her coat. The best part was when she almost walked into the stop sign. And so ended Friday.

I have mixed feelings about Saturday. We woke up early and went to the game which was good and bad. It's something I wanted to do all year and I had fun, but I kind of felt guilty about having Joe and Erin wake up for it. I just feel uneasy when people do things that they don't normally do. I just don't like people making adjustments for me even though that's kind of what friends are supposed to do. Well about the game, we sat in the third row in front of the band. It was nifty the band sounded different from that posistion. We saw Bobbie Jo cry at the end of her final pregame which is sad. The game was good we actually won, Tony wasn't drunk and caught passes and I took a bunch of pictures of Bobbie Jo, I looked for Melissa but couldn't find her. After the game I was in and out of conciousness until I ate dinner with Melissa. Later I went ice skating with Melissa and Aaron and kind of hurt my ankle because I was dumb and wore the wrong socks. Oh and kudos to Quincy for his moster game against Pitt.

Today I did brunch with Melissa which was fun. I also did some work, but go derailed by a headache that seemed to be caused by a sneeze. It was a monster headache that lasted most of the day. I'm starting to feel alittle sick so I has soup for dinner, yea quite exciting. I didn't get to study for the 301 test tomorrow partially because I'm a lazy bum and because I just couldn't concentrate with my throbbing head. Hopefully it'll go alright tomorrow, I'm a bit nervous though.

music playin' - Bittersweet Symphony by the Verve

Thursday, November 13, 2003

So cold outside

Ok, I haven't done this for a while, so it's time to catch you guys up.

The big event that happened since I last wrote was I got the housing thing for next year figured out. I'm going to be an original occupant of Eastview. Hehe, I got excited over something simple and odd about that -- I can bring my own toilet paper so I don't have to use that horrible rough stuff. Other perks include a personal bathroom and shower, AC, carpet, and once again a single room. I kind of feel bad about dropping out of the house, but this is better, I don't really know if I wanted to go back to having a roommate again.

I started to look at grad schools which basically means I started to look at my dream one. I'd like to go to Stanford, but I don't know if I can get in or if I can afford it, but we'll see next year.

Today it's unbelievably cold and windy outside. I almost got knocked down a couple times by the wind but I stayed up thankfully. I wrote one of the programs for 313 and I have no clue on the other sadly haha. Once again something came up and we had to cancel the riggatony's dinner. It's hard for Steph and I to have weeks where our Thursdays match but that's college for ya. I'll be better at keeping this thing up to date too. Oh and I'm so looking forward to Thanksgiving.

Music playin' - Radar Love by Golden Earing (yay!! Great song I'm rocking out)

Sunday, November 09, 2003

Brief rundown of happenings over the weekend.

Friday - I got my 309 test back; it was a bit weird. I did well but made a couple of calculator errors and forgot units on a problem. Dr. Melton asked what I did with my equation sheet since I didn't turn it in. While I was flipping through the test, I noticed that I wrote "the Death Star" to refer to a spacecraft designed for planetary distruction. Dr. Melton noticed it and put a check next to it. There actually wasn't that much more to the day or actually the weekend. Saturday I watched the game, and ended up wishing I went on the Northwestern trip when i saw the snow. We lost, again, by the way. I ended up doing my 301 homework today, it took like 8 hours, but oh well. I'm a bit conused with living arrangements next year. I could live in a house with Joe, Aaron, little Mike, and two people i don't know, or I could live here again. On one hand I'd be living with friends but I wouldn't have my own room. On the other, I'd have my own room, but would be alone. I don't really know what to do, and i kind of feel bad for wavering so much. Oh and I almost forgot, I watched the eclispe last night which was fairly cool but fairly cold and I cleaned my room friday night; exciting I know.

music playin' - The Superman Theme

Thursday, November 06, 2003


Absolutely beaming; I finished my first ever crossword today before 311. I almost let out this big yelp when I realized it was completed. I was so excited that I had a goofy grin on my face the entire class period. We got our test back in that class too, and I was scared, but it ending up being successful. To be honest thought, I was more excited for finishing the crossword than the good grade.

I've had a lot on my mind of late. A few people has been confusing me of late, maybe I'm just looking too deep into things or maybe I'm just not as good a person I think I am. I've had my living arranged for next year on my mind too. I'd like to live in eastview, but the odds of getting a contract are a shade less than 50% and it's going to be so expensive that I doubt that I could afford it (sadly much like the problem Melissa seems to be having). I could live here again, but I don't think I could handle it without a close friend nearby (yes I'm a needy wuss). What I'd really like to do though is the House with Aaron, Joe, and Mike. It'd be cheaper than eastview and I'd have good friends in the same house; the only problem though is dealing with mom and pop, but I should be able to convince them.

I'm a little pissed at myself for not going to Northwestern. Quite frankly that was probably one of the worst decisions I've ever made, and I'm not too happy about it. OK, so I wouldn't have gotten any work done and I would have been away from friends for a weekend. I would have made an away game which would be awesome, and who knows maybe the trip would have forced me to meet new people, maybe a girl. Nope, I decide to stay here; such an stupid moronic decision on my part.

Music playin' - Ohio by Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young

Monday, November 03, 2003

So it seems I'm a girl

Ok that was traumatic. A few hours ago I'm sitting here and notice a darkish spot in front of the dresser, I assumed it was a piece of grass that came in with my shoes. About a half hour ago I notice that it's really a bug (albeit a bug not moving). Upon this realization, I throw my material book on it to make sure it's dead. After I killed it I didn't want to take the book off to look at smushed bug. Eventually I did this and came to the conclusion that hopefully it was a beetle. I quickly vacuumed up the leftover bug so I didn't have to clean it by paper towel. I did a quick search with my flashlight to check to see if any other bug was in there. Even though I didn't find any I'm still paranoid that they're there. I foresee a couple nights that won't be all that restful. Long night ahead, I have to do some laundry that I've been putting off

Music playin' - Don't Fear the Reaper by the Blue Oyster Cult

Sunday, November 02, 2003

Alright, let's do this thing. It's time for the post-Halloween wrap-up. Saturday was a heartbreaking day. Seriously it was. I woke up and watched last week's Ed which was entertaining, it had Rupert G on it. Then i went to the chem e. tailgate with Joe, Erin, Dan, and Kelly. It was fun, good food, and I saw the girl who I tested with in dance last spring. Then we went to the game. It was amazing, it had shades of Nebraska last year. The crowd was rocking, we were winning, we were playing with fire. Then the last five minutes of the game happened. We just couldn't stop OSU from scoring the go-ahead td. We got the ball back with about a minute and a half left, I still believed that we were going to win. After poor clock management we lined up for a 60 or so yard field goal with 2 seconds up. The kick is up, It's good the crowd goes wild. Then we realize we missed it. I stooc in shock with tears in my eyes for like 5 minutes just staring at the uprights. After the game we got ice cream, which did make me feel better and ordered pizza at Joe's. It was fun times. Evidentally I'm perfect for some Monica girl, but the funniest moment of the night was when Erin wondered how anybody could be a freshman in college without having a first kiss. Of course I yelled hey, so she goes sorry how could anybody be a junior in college without having a first kiss I don't know it just hasn't happened for me, not to mention I haven't really put forth any resemblence of an effort. I eventually got home and watched the past week's West Wing and Boston Public. Sunday nothing really happened, I was a bum.

Music playin' - Life's Been Good by Joe Walsh

Saturday, November 01, 2003


This is one angry aerospace student. Due to some scheduling brain fart on the scheduling department, they double booked a few rooms. To aleaviate the problem, they decided to juggle a few of my classes. They moved one to Tuesday morning at 10:10 - 11. I had golf scheduled at 9:45 - 11 on Tuesday mornings. Hmm.... It doesn't look like I can take it now can I??? I'm so unbelievably upset at them for this. I was so so looking forward to that class. I'm just like ahhhhh now. What's even worse is that the other classes I was looking at when i scheduled are all filled and i'm stuck like a fatman in a turnstyle. Enough ranting, let's hit the happy stuff of the day. In skating we played broomball today. I wasn't very good at actually skating and doing stuff but i did ahve a sweet goal and an assist. Awward for "Friend of the Day" goes to Erin for taking time out of her busy busy schedule to do my Einstein make-up. So Erin I solute you.... Shaaa wing (I couldn't resist). I helped with rally in the valley which was fun, I got to take pictures of: Joe Pa, Bobbie Jo, Trever, and my favorite piccolo player (she doesn't have much competition, I only know one who plays it). Then I went to some part with Joey, Aaron, Danny, Erin, Kelly, and Melissa. I was actually having a good time untl the fight broke out. After that Aaron, Melissa, and I made like bannanas and split.

Oh hightlight of the week - Getting John Nash to sign and wish me luck on my equation sheet before the Astro test. A Nobel Prize winner actually wished me luck.

music playin' - There You'll Be by the ever beautiful Faith Hill