Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Oh my God, I'm feeling super stressed. I got an emch test Thursday night, and I'm pretty sure that I don't have a clue what's going on. I'm so very lost that it's not even funny. I got a fluids homework due Thursday that I've yet to start. Why have I become such a deadline worker this year?? It's quite annoying being the bad student that I am.

Yesterday was kind of a surreal day. The classes were eerily quiet. Matt was off hunting so it was sort of a test run of next semester for Melissa and I without him. We got a pair of tests back and I did well enough to make me feel better momentarily. I was actually able to do a couple things in skating that I haven't been able to do before break. I got the first Harry Potter book on my way home from skating, and I absolutely love it (I'm so very glad that I've found something that I'd enjoy reading again). I found out that my 5ft+ Santa hat is a chick magnet. Evidentially Jill liked it and wanted to come and sit on my lap durning class. I didn't have anybody to eat with which was sad but not too bad considering the amount of turkey I need to get through before it goes bad. In the evening I watched the Grinch and Christmas Vacation while eating this amazing bag of poppa corn. It was cinnamon roll flavored with Cinnabon icing.

Today I had the 3 hour lab and it was horrible as usual. We had group meeting for the project. I guess we worked through some problems, but I'm still not feeling very confident in my abilities to help out. I just think that I've been kind drag and haven't been pulling my weight. I just want to help so badly, but I'm not quite sure what I know and can do. I got back and watched A Charlie Brown Christmas which was good as usual.

music playin' - Holy Jolly Christmas by Burl Ives


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