Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Here we go

So how have I been??

I'm getting a little bit better. I'm still lonely, and I see a bad few days around the middle of Febuary, but the cloud is lifting a bit in my head and that's a start. I do have a rather disgusting digestive issue though. Joe seems to think I have this weird condition called Asperger's Syndrome. I don't know though, and would like any feedback.

So what have you been up to??

Well nothing too exciting saddly. I watched the nfc championship game @ Joe's on Sunday. On my way back I got my package from home and it felt like my hands were going to freeze off carring it back to my room. Durning the walk I lost my rope to my key chain and it made me sad (I replaced it today as best I could, but it's not the same). The package contained some candy, the gift AeroMelissa got me for Christmas and a few other thingys. After unpacking it I played cards and ate pizza @ Melissa's and it was fun, though it didn't look like I had it which makes me feel bad. I ate lunch with Melissa and Matty the past couple of days. It's been really nice seeing Matty, I wish he was in our classes.

Speecking of classes, so how's classes been??

Alright, I guess. Lab will suck extremely badly and the professor in charge seems like an anal dick. But, I think I'll have fun in it because I can joke with Melissa and big Matt. The TA is goign to think that I'm a big dope by the time it's over. EE is a waste of time; I skipped it yesterday. Acting seems alright thus far. I had to be led around blindfolded and led a blindfolded girl around. It was really fun I enjoyed it though it was really weird and I couldn't walk in a straight line. Today we had show and tell which was oddly fun. I brought in Melissa's and mine rummy scorebook and talked about how special it was to me.

So Johnny have you got anything else to say??

Well today I had a rather heated and long debate with Melissa. It was totally unlike me. Usually i'm not very confrontational, but this was about my one true passion and involved her's too. It was interesting dialogue to say the least.

Ok, I'm done now thanks for bearing with me.

Music playin' - None I'm watching Merlin on the scifi channel


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