Saturday, November 01, 2003


This is one angry aerospace student. Due to some scheduling brain fart on the scheduling department, they double booked a few rooms. To aleaviate the problem, they decided to juggle a few of my classes. They moved one to Tuesday morning at 10:10 - 11. I had golf scheduled at 9:45 - 11 on Tuesday mornings. Hmm.... It doesn't look like I can take it now can I??? I'm so unbelievably upset at them for this. I was so so looking forward to that class. I'm just like ahhhhh now. What's even worse is that the other classes I was looking at when i scheduled are all filled and i'm stuck like a fatman in a turnstyle. Enough ranting, let's hit the happy stuff of the day. In skating we played broomball today. I wasn't very good at actually skating and doing stuff but i did ahve a sweet goal and an assist. Awward for "Friend of the Day" goes to Erin for taking time out of her busy busy schedule to do my Einstein make-up. So Erin I solute you.... Shaaa wing (I couldn't resist). I helped with rally in the valley which was fun, I got to take pictures of: Joe Pa, Bobbie Jo, Trever, and my favorite piccolo player (she doesn't have much competition, I only know one who plays it). Then I went to some part with Joey, Aaron, Danny, Erin, Kelly, and Melissa. I was actually having a good time untl the fight broke out. After that Aaron, Melissa, and I made like bannanas and split.

Oh hightlight of the week - Getting John Nash to sign and wish me luck on my equation sheet before the Astro test. A Nobel Prize winner actually wished me luck.

music playin' - There You'll Be by the ever beautiful Faith Hill


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