Sunday, November 30, 2003

Back @ School

Back at school for a busy little week - a group project (in which I'm completely clueless and I feel horrible about; I just feel like I'm letting the group down), a pair of tests (at least they're the last ones of the year before finals), a three hour lab ( it might be the last one, I'm not really sure), and a couple homeworks due that I haven't started. It should be an interesting week.

Back to break festivities. Friday morning we put the tree up which gets me really excited because I absolutely love this time of the year. The tree came out fairly good; a little full with ornament, we're kind of running out of room for everything. In the afternoon we did a little shopping and I looked unsuccessfully for the pair of glasses that I liked. I have no idea where I'm going to find them, and I'm actually considering buying them off the internet even though that's risky. The evening was spent at the Pens game. It was fun; we got Mario Lemieux egg dolls. The Pens lost thought mostly because they're absolutely horrible. We got home at 11 which was just in time to watch Frosty.

Saturday I did a little work, but not nearly enough. After my mom got home, we went food shopping so I wouldn't go hungry these last three weeks here. I picked up the first Harry Potter movie, which I loved. The movies inspired me to read the books which is good because I've been looking for something to read since August when I finished Moneyball.

Today I woke up and rode back with Christine. We made really good time (sub 3 hours which is rare). After returning, I did some decorating (hung new lights and put candy canes on my Christmas tree) and did a little work (still not enough).

music playin - Carol of the Bells by the Robert Shaw Chorale (Yea!! All time favorite Christmas song)


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