Sunday, November 09, 2003

Brief rundown of happenings over the weekend.

Friday - I got my 309 test back; it was a bit weird. I did well but made a couple of calculator errors and forgot units on a problem. Dr. Melton asked what I did with my equation sheet since I didn't turn it in. While I was flipping through the test, I noticed that I wrote "the Death Star" to refer to a spacecraft designed for planetary distruction. Dr. Melton noticed it and put a check next to it. There actually wasn't that much more to the day or actually the weekend. Saturday I watched the game, and ended up wishing I went on the Northwestern trip when i saw the snow. We lost, again, by the way. I ended up doing my 301 homework today, it took like 8 hours, but oh well. I'm a bit conused with living arrangements next year. I could live in a house with Joe, Aaron, little Mike, and two people i don't know, or I could live here again. On one hand I'd be living with friends but I wouldn't have my own room. On the other, I'd have my own room, but would be alone. I don't really know what to do, and i kind of feel bad for wavering so much. Oh and I almost forgot, I watched the eclispe last night which was fairly cool but fairly cold and I cleaned my room friday night; exciting I know.

music playin' - The Superman Theme


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