Thursday, October 30, 2003


Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla

DRY HUMOR: You love telling the joke that sneaks up
on you. You probably watched every episode of
Seinfeld, if you didn't you should have. You
like telling a joke that only half of the
people in the room understand. You probably
also enjoy british humor. When you tell a joke
people have to stop and check if it is really a
joke or not. Sometimes, you'll weave a long
elaborate lie and present it as truth, just to
see how much you can get away with before
people realize that it's all just a tall tale,


How funny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you

That's from Gandolf, and yes I know using that quoate as a title is fairly dorky. I just think that it can mean so very much after you think about it for a bit. I think that as a society as a whole we fail miserablely at doing this. We spend too much time worring about what other people are doing, what people think of us, and we definately spend too much time doubting ourselves. We're a very insecure group; some, like myself, more-so than others. We wonder if we're smart enough, good looking enough, have enough money. The answers to these are: Yes, of course you are smart enough, silly; Good looking is realitve, you never know who might find what attrative, so yes you are good looking enough; and well money in the big picture of things isn't really worth what's it's made out to be. I know worring about what others think of you is hard not to do, but deep down we really must know that not everybody will like you and you can't please everybody. You can however is live your life the best way you see fit; for me that's being as nice and helpful as I can (if I'm not doing this, just bonk me in the head and knock some sense into me). We are way too nosey; there should not be a channel called E!, nor should there be People magazine. We aren't just too nosey with celebrities; we do the same with the more imeadate people in our lives. Think about it what's one of the frist things you ask friends when we get tests back??? You probably ask, how'd you do? Why do we do this? It's none of our business if they do well or not. Is it out of curiousity that we ask?? Maybe. Are we looking for a quick high in finding out that somebody hopefully did worse than you? I'm sure that's the case for a lot of people sadly (I don't think we should ever take pleasure in one's misfortune even though it seems to be human nature). I don't ask for either of those. I ask because I like hearing the joy in somebody's voice when they do well. It's risky but after a while I've learned to read the reactions and if I don't think somebody did well, then the topic of the test is off limits completely in my eyes (I may not stick to this as well as I'd like, but it's my philosophy. We worry about how successful we are. Why?? Success is what we make of it; it's extremely relative. Take me for example: I can get an A on a test and be upset because I don't think that I earned it if I didn't really study for it. However, I could get a C on something that I've worked hard on and be happy (I may have made that up, because I'm a bum and never actually worked hard on something; and yes I feel extremely bad about that). I know I'm not a perfect person. I know I have probably made somebody feel bad about themselves. More than likely this wasn't intentional, and if (maybe i should say when) I find out that I have, believe me I'd feel absolutely horrible that I did that. I think I'm getting alittle off topic but my point is: All you have to do in life is go after what you want, whatever they maybe. For me it's to have a loving wife who ends up being my best friend, kids that know how to follow their dreams, and great friends (which i'm already blessed with thankfully). A job at NASA would be nice and my ideal job; but to be honest if I had to loose the people in my life for it, I'd let it pass. By the way i picked up my wig for All Hallow's Eve today

Music playin' - Janie Got a Gun by Aerosmith

Monday, October 27, 2003

I woke up in a rather chipper mood, which is alittle odd considering that it was pouring. The Frenchman didn't give us our 301 tests back today which was a disapointment. I had my skills test in skating today which went well (I got two A's and two B's). 313 we got the best news in the world, no more powerpoint!!!!!!!!!! He's going to work at the board which is much better. I ate dinner with Melissa which was good times, as it is usually. I had my 301 test and besides the first page, I thought it was pretty easy (hopefully the grade will reflect that). I watched Joe Millionairre again after my test. It's SUCH a horrible show, but i'm addicted. I have tons of work to do in the next few days, but tomorrow i'm going to get my wig hopefully. There was an odd little hair issue today -- I got a bit of a flippy somehow on the back of my head. It doesn't make any sense, I took a shower this morning so it should have been good; but it wasn't just odd.

music playin' - Time by Pink Floyd

Sunday, October 26, 2003

Happy day

OK, not much happened today, but what did happen was amazingly good. I woke up and had the urge to try to fix the clasp of my chain for the first time since I found it broken one morning. After five minutes of fiddling with it, I fixed it. As silly as this sounds I didn't really feel whole without it; now I'm one again. Bruch was surprisingly good, I mean they had pilsbury cinnimon rolls (whaa whooo), so it couldn't possibely be bad. I got a tiny bit of studing for 311 done, not as much as i should have, but I can't really see what will be difficult with this test. I got a bit of 301 homework done too which is good. I probably have more work to get to so I'll leave it there, later readers if there are any, haha.

music playin' - Foolish Games by Jewel (so embarassing to be rocking out to Jewel)

Saturday, October 25, 2003

I haven't wrote for a few days, so I probably should catch you up on things. Wednesday was alright, we learned about the geosyncrinous orbit in Dr. Melton's class which got me giddy. The only bad part of the day was the night when I did my 311 homework; I had issues with this one problem because I hate English units. I really hope the people who created it are burning in hell. Thursday was a weird day. I had issues with the 301 homework and it took forever. I ate dinner with Melissa anad Matty which was fun, it was the first time we really did something together outside of class. It was one of my more enjoyable dinners this year; good food and I learned some dirt on Bobbie Jo. Thrusday night after I finished my homework, I played some late night football with Aaron and Joey, and since I was geared up to stay up all night doing homework I didn't go to bed. Friday was fun even though I was completely exhausted that day. I escoted Melissa to the HUB a tad past midnight and saw the pretty stars out in full force. Each time I look at them I get all tingly inside. I need to find time to get downtown so I can buy my Einstein wig for my costume. Saturday was fun, I was a bum and didn't do any work; which is embarassing but hey it's me. I went ice skating with Aaron and Melissa which was good, I fell once and it was really fun. Just watched the Yankees make losers out of themselves which is always good, though a tad disappointed that they didn't show the look on the Boss's face when the Marlin's were celbrating on his field; that would have been priceless. It should be a busy tomorrow for me; between hopefully actually studing for 311 and trying to get ahead with some work.

music playin' - Tuesday's Gone by Lynard Skynard

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Ok i don't mean this to be a daily thing, but i'm bored and it's dark out (we all know I'm unable to do an ounce of work while the sun is gone). I had the 3 hour lab today; which isn't all that bad but it's annoying. I got my emch exam back today; I set the scale without doing an ounce of work for it. Will my laziness and lack of studing ever catch up to me? Seriously with the amount of work i've been doing this semester i should be failing and not in the A range of things, it kind of makes me feel guilty. Hehe I'm in my 3rd year and I still don't know how to study; read that again it's amazing. I was kind of irked after 311; my friends left to eat 5 minutes before I got back leaving me with nobody to eat; I mean they could have grabbed me as i was coming back before i got to my room. I got over that quickly though, however it wasn't quick enough to say something i shouldn't have. I went to the AIAA meeting; which was fun; Dr. Melton is quit funny and has the same attitude about powerpoint as the rest of us. Hit balls with aaron afterwards for the first time this year; which was good; i swung really well surprisingly. Also I seemed to have win my 8900 FreeCell game which is pathetic; i know this but i'm proud. And i seemd to allow myself to get sucked in by Joe Millionairre again, which is sad especially after my crying last year. Yes i know i am a girl

music playin' - You Were Mine by the Dixie Chicks

Monday, October 20, 2003

It twas an amazingly busy day, especially when you consider that I didn't do much actual work today. It seemed like every moment I spent in my room I was rushing to get an equation sheet created for my test tonight that I didn't even use. The test went alright though; it always freaks me out when I'm the first one done especially if I didn't really study. I seem to be getting more and more crazy with my lucky charms, today I added Buddy Christ and another pin to my stack. OK this needs to be said, but can somebody please for the love of everything good find a way to make 220 Hammond a reasonable temperature. I got my 313 test back today and was happy with it which says a lot. Ice Skating was fun -- we started backwards crossovers; oh my, I haven't seen falling like that since class began. Question of the day - What is Satchel's sexual orientation

music playin' - Baby Got Back by Sir Mix Alot

Sunday, October 19, 2003

Hi, you all may not have known this but keeping a journal like this is always something i've wanted to do. I just never got around to it because I didn't really want to freak people out. I seem to be in a better state of mind, so that's no longer a concern of mine. OK with that said, we move onwards to something that'd resemble an actual entry. I have a test tomorrow and I did everything i could imagine to not study; I have got to be the university's worst student. Also of note i forgot my soap in the freezer before my shower and i had to use my shampoo as a body wash type of thing. which is pretty cool because i smell like Herbal Essances now.

music playin - Babe by Styx (great Americal rock band who got a bad rap)