Tuesday, October 28, 2003

All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you

That's from Gandolf, and yes I know using that quoate as a title is fairly dorky. I just think that it can mean so very much after you think about it for a bit. I think that as a society as a whole we fail miserablely at doing this. We spend too much time worring about what other people are doing, what people think of us, and we definately spend too much time doubting ourselves. We're a very insecure group; some, like myself, more-so than others. We wonder if we're smart enough, good looking enough, have enough money. The answers to these are: Yes, of course you are smart enough, silly; Good looking is realitve, you never know who might find what attrative, so yes you are good looking enough; and well money in the big picture of things isn't really worth what's it's made out to be. I know worring about what others think of you is hard not to do, but deep down we really must know that not everybody will like you and you can't please everybody. You can however is live your life the best way you see fit; for me that's being as nice and helpful as I can (if I'm not doing this, just bonk me in the head and knock some sense into me). We are way too nosey; there should not be a channel called E!, nor should there be People magazine. We aren't just too nosey with celebrities; we do the same with the more imeadate people in our lives. Think about it what's one of the frist things you ask friends when we get tests back??? You probably ask, how'd you do? Why do we do this? It's none of our business if they do well or not. Is it out of curiousity that we ask?? Maybe. Are we looking for a quick high in finding out that somebody hopefully did worse than you? I'm sure that's the case for a lot of people sadly (I don't think we should ever take pleasure in one's misfortune even though it seems to be human nature). I don't ask for either of those. I ask because I like hearing the joy in somebody's voice when they do well. It's risky but after a while I've learned to read the reactions and if I don't think somebody did well, then the topic of the test is off limits completely in my eyes (I may not stick to this as well as I'd like, but it's my philosophy. We worry about how successful we are. Why?? Success is what we make of it; it's extremely relative. Take me for example: I can get an A on a test and be upset because I don't think that I earned it if I didn't really study for it. However, I could get a C on something that I've worked hard on and be happy (I may have made that up, because I'm a bum and never actually worked hard on something; and yes I feel extremely bad about that). I know I'm not a perfect person. I know I have probably made somebody feel bad about themselves. More than likely this wasn't intentional, and if (maybe i should say when) I find out that I have, believe me I'd feel absolutely horrible that I did that. I think I'm getting alittle off topic but my point is: All you have to do in life is go after what you want, whatever they maybe. For me it's to have a loving wife who ends up being my best friend, kids that know how to follow their dreams, and great friends (which i'm already blessed with thankfully). A job at NASA would be nice and my ideal job; but to be honest if I had to loose the people in my life for it, I'd let it pass. By the way i picked up my wig for All Hallow's Eve today

Music playin' - Janie Got a Gun by Aerosmith


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