Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Ok i don't mean this to be a daily thing, but i'm bored and it's dark out (we all know I'm unable to do an ounce of work while the sun is gone). I had the 3 hour lab today; which isn't all that bad but it's annoying. I got my emch exam back today; I set the scale without doing an ounce of work for it. Will my laziness and lack of studing ever catch up to me? Seriously with the amount of work i've been doing this semester i should be failing and not in the A range of things, it kind of makes me feel guilty. Hehe I'm in my 3rd year and I still don't know how to study; read that again it's amazing. I was kind of irked after 311; my friends left to eat 5 minutes before I got back leaving me with nobody to eat; I mean they could have grabbed me as i was coming back before i got to my room. I got over that quickly though, however it wasn't quick enough to say something i shouldn't have. I went to the AIAA meeting; which was fun; Dr. Melton is quit funny and has the same attitude about powerpoint as the rest of us. Hit balls with aaron afterwards for the first time this year; which was good; i swung really well surprisingly. Also I seemed to have win my 8900 FreeCell game which is pathetic; i know this but i'm proud. And i seemd to allow myself to get sucked in by Joe Millionairre again, which is sad especially after my crying last year. Yes i know i am a girl

music playin' - You Were Mine by the Dixie Chicks


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