Monday, December 29, 2003

Wowees!! It's been a while.

Ok, I know it's been a fairly long time since I've updated this little ditty that I do, and I'm sorry about that. The last few weeks at school were just a little too busy for my liking, and I've been a tad lazy since I got home neglecting it.

A few highlights from the last couple of weeks at school - Oddly enough most of these involve good dinners, but I don't really have a life so you get what you get. There was the holiday dinner where Joe and Erin suprised me by having Nenna come up and eat with us. Just seeing her brightened a day that was down in the dumps. There was one last riggatony's dinner with Matt and Melissa for a while because Matt is sadly going to be away from us next couple of semesters due to him landing a co-op with NASA. I'm happy for him, but I'll definately miss having him in class with us. The Monday durning finals week I had dinner at the Corner Room with Erin, Joe, and Melissa. It was good food and I had fun, but later in the evening I eventually felt sick. I got to have dinner with Steph and a friend of her's who happened to be extremely pretty. It was fun, Steph was nice as usual and her friend was pleasant. That's it with food related highlights (yea i know dull). Other notable events include: finishing that horrible 301 project (took WAY too much time, and Thanks Matt for all you did; you really came through in the end I salute you), playing basketball a few times (including one where I nearly broke my hand), and finishing the semester off. The biggest highlight was when I gave Aaron, Erin, Joe, and Melissa their gifts. It felt so very good surprising them, and I was so very happy that I didn't recieve anything in return (it makes me uncomfortable recieving gifts from friends; I'd much rather give to them than recieve)

Highlighs from home - Actually getting to eat real food for a change which is always a plus. The Monday before Christmas was particullarly pleasing: Starting the day off was a surprise Christmas card from Melissa which shocked the poo out of me hehe; Then I got all my grades back and I did better than I ever thought I would (It made me feel kind of bad because in my eyes I was quite lazy this past semester); and I got to go see The Return of the King (I've had time to thing about it and this movie was amazing. Not once durning the 3+ hours it ran did my eyes glance towards my watch or my mind wander away from the flim which is truely amazing. I would say that it's the best movie I will ever see, but I got a feeling that the extended dvd will be better than the theatical version.). My dad's birthday (Christmas Eve) was nice as usual. Christmas was good. I got to see the family which was surprisingly nice.

I'll update again sometime in the new year just so I can complain about how much I hate New Year's Eve.

Music playin' - None watching Julia Roberts on Letterman

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Oh my God, I'm feeling super stressed. I got an emch test Thursday night, and I'm pretty sure that I don't have a clue what's going on. I'm so very lost that it's not even funny. I got a fluids homework due Thursday that I've yet to start. Why have I become such a deadline worker this year?? It's quite annoying being the bad student that I am.

Yesterday was kind of a surreal day. The classes were eerily quiet. Matt was off hunting so it was sort of a test run of next semester for Melissa and I without him. We got a pair of tests back and I did well enough to make me feel better momentarily. I was actually able to do a couple things in skating that I haven't been able to do before break. I got the first Harry Potter book on my way home from skating, and I absolutely love it (I'm so very glad that I've found something that I'd enjoy reading again). I found out that my 5ft+ Santa hat is a chick magnet. Evidentially Jill liked it and wanted to come and sit on my lap durning class. I didn't have anybody to eat with which was sad but not too bad considering the amount of turkey I need to get through before it goes bad. In the evening I watched the Grinch and Christmas Vacation while eating this amazing bag of poppa corn. It was cinnamon roll flavored with Cinnabon icing.

Today I had the 3 hour lab and it was horrible as usual. We had group meeting for the project. I guess we worked through some problems, but I'm still not feeling very confident in my abilities to help out. I just think that I've been kind drag and haven't been pulling my weight. I just want to help so badly, but I'm not quite sure what I know and can do. I got back and watched A Charlie Brown Christmas which was good as usual.

music playin' - Holy Jolly Christmas by Burl Ives